A Patient Strategy to Day Trade Commodity Futures

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Pratik Patel is an active full time day trader speculating in the commodity futures markets for the past 7 years. After years of trading an array of futures products from Lean Hog to E-mini S&P 500 futures, he has found a consistent market strategy within the CME Group grain futures markets that can also be applied to various other markets.

Join Pratik, co-founder and head trader of The Futures Room, as he discusses why he made the switch to trading the grains along with the benefits of using a consistent trading strategy for day trading commodity futures. In addition, Pratik will also introduce strategies to manage trading risk in this uncertain volatile market.

This event will demonstrate optimal trading setups Pratik uses to control risk featuring examples including Grain Futures (ZC, ZS, ZW), Oil Futures (CL), and Index Futures (ES) that are traded on the CME Group. This session is ideal for both novice and experienced traders alike as Pratik brings his vast knowledge and experience into the futures trading environment.

Disclaimer: The Futures Room’s trading room service referred to in the videos is no longer active.

Open your futures trading account at Trade Futures 4 Less – www.tradefutures4less.com