Day Trading Basics – How Will You React When The Emini S&P 500 Beats You Down

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Day Trading Basics – How Will You React When The Emini S&P 500 Beats You Down
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Today in this video I somewhat cover an important topic that most trading gurus fail to neglect. That topic is days that are really nasty. It’s important to understand that this truly is day trading basics. It’s something that needs to be developed from as early in your day trading career as possible.

It’s what separates the really huge winners from the not winning. At the end of the video I give you the example of Peyton Manning. If you really think about it anyone can do anything when there’s a bit of luck on their side. But those that are truly great shine when others get their ass kicked. If you really think about it. What will Peyton Manning do once he’s thrown two interceptions in the first half.

How will he come out to play in the second half. Most likely he’s going to come out slinging and still just as good as he did in the first half. But other quarterbacks do not have the ability to do this. They most likely continue on their mediocre run or play gun shy. This is no different in the market.

The reason I’m telling you this is that today was not the best day ever to trade the Emini S&P 500. So, let’s get right into it and talk about day trading basic and how to handle these situations.

We start in the pre-market where not much is going on. This is perhaps a sign that not much will go on. My first trade didn’t occur until 10AM EST. This is not a very typical thing. That doesn’t actually work out and I’m stopped out for a full loss.

Eventually I take a few more trades that don’t work and I am stopped out for small losses. I did have one win which I cut short because of the fact that we didn’t have a single trade to that point that worked. Overall on the day I finished a loser in the Emini S&P 500 but thanks to the Euro Forex market I did finish the day a big winner.

Overall in my live trading I was actually a loser though because of the fact that I only trade one 6E contract and many ES contracts.

As always thanks for watching my rant about the Emini markets.