Download How To Be A Rogue Trader Penguin Specials ebook {PDF} {EPUB}

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Download How To Be A Rogue Trader Penguin Specials by John Gapper – mirror 1 —> mirror 2 —> mirror 3 –> —————
Synopsis: Penguin Specials are designed to fill a gap. Written to be read over a long commute or a short journey, they are original and exclusively in digital form. This is John Gapper’s foray into the world of rogue traders.
Unlike most bankers, they are household names: Nick Leeson of Barings, Jerome Kerviel of Societe Generale, John Rusnak of Allied Irish Bank. And now the 31 year-old Kweku Adoboli, who allegedly ran up $2.3bn in losses at UBS. These are the men who have bought banks to their knees and global financial systems to a halt. Each time the banks declare themselves to be innocent victim