Moving Rooms: The Trade in Architectural Salvages (The Paul Mellon download free books

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Since at least Tudor times there have been architectural salvages: panelling, chimney pieces, doorways, or any fixtures and fittings might be removed from an old interior to be replaced by more fashionable ones. Not surprisingly a trade developed and architects, builders, masons, and sculptors sought out these salvages. By 1820 there was a growing profession of brokers and dealers in London, and a century later antique shops were commonplace throughout England.This fascinating book documents the break-up, sale, and re-use of salvages in Britain and America, where the fashion for so-called “Period Roomsâ€� became a mainstay of the transatlantic trade. Much appreciated by museum visitors, period rooms have become something of a scholarly embarrassment, as research reveals that many were assembled from a variety of sources. One American embraced the trade as no other–the larger-than-life William Randolph Hearst–who purchased tens of thousands of architectural salvages between 1900 and 1935. 
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