Trading Full-Time. Kamal Warren talks to us about his life as a full-time trader. I’m an accountant so I tell people I’m that. Trading as a full-time occupation can be lonely, it is not as exciting as some people think it is but it can be extremely profitable if you know what you are doing. It does not suit all sorts of people; you need to understand yourself – if you don’t like working with people or managing people than this kind of life can be for you but then if you are the kind of persons who likes people interaction then you’ll likely go crazy. So it really comes to the kind of person you are. If my children wanted to becomes trader I would probably let me try it out. Will you ever reach a point where you’re sitting on the beach, sipping a cocktail and trading off your phone? No, I think that’s a myth – which is projected by some tutors or trainers out there who try to project this image where you can be successful by just dedicating 15 or 30 minutes a day.
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